
Jeffrey Leek
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Basic idea

  1. Take lots of (possibly) weak predictors
  2. Weight them and add them up
  3. Get a stronger predictor

Basic idea behind boosting

  1. Start with a set of classifiers \(h_1,\ldots,h_k\)
    • Examples: All possible trees, all possible regression models, all possible cutoffs.
  2. Create a classifier that combines classification functions: \(f(x) = \rm{sgn}\left(\sum_{t=1}^T \alpha_t h_t(x)\right)\).
    • Goal is to minimize error (on training set)
    • Iterative, select one \(h\) at each step
    • Calculate weights based on errors
    • Upweight missed classifications and select next \(h\)

Adaboost on Wikipedia

Simple example

Round 1: adaboost

Round 2 & 3

Completed classifier

Boosting in R

  • Boosting can be used with any subset of classifiers
  • One large subclass is gradient boosting
  • R has multiple boosting libraries. Differences include the choice of basic classification functions and combination rules.
  • Most of these are available in the caret package

Wage example

library(ISLR); data(Wage); library(ggplot2); library(caret);
Wage <- subset(Wage,select=-c(logwage))
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y=Wage$wage,
                              p=0.7, list=FALSE)
training <- Wage[inTrain,]; testing <- Wage[-inTrain,]

Fit the model

modFit <- train(wage ~ ., method="gbm",data=training,verbose=FALSE)
2102 samples
  10 predictors

No pre-processing
Resampling: Bootstrap (25 reps) 

Summary of sample sizes: 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, 2102, ... 

Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  interaction.depth  n.trees  RMSE  Rsquared  RMSE SD  Rsquared SD
  1                  50       30    0.3       1        0.02       
  1                  100      30    0.3       1        0.02       
  1                  200      30    0.3       1        0.02       
  2                  50       30    0.3       1        0.02       
  2                  100      30    0.3       1        0.02       
  2                  200      30    0.3       1        0.02       
  3                  50       30    0.3       1        0.02       
  3                  100      30    0.3       1        0.02       
  3                  200      30    0.3       1        0.02       

Tuning parameter 'shrinkage' was held constant at a value of 0.1
RMSE was used to select the optimal model using  the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were interaction.depth = 2, n.trees = 100 and shrinkage = 0.1. 

Plot the results

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

Notes and further reading