Google Vis API

Basic idea

  • The R function creates an HTML page
  • The HTML page calls Google Charts
  • The result is an interactive HTML graphic


M <- gvisMotionChart(Fruits, "Fruit", "Year",
                     options=list(width=600, height=400))

Charts in googleVis

Plots on maps

G <- gvisGeoChart(Exports, locationvar="Country",
                  colorvar="Profit",options=list(width=600, height=400))

Specifying a region

G2 <- gvisGeoChart(Exports, locationvar="Country",
                  colorvar="Profit",options=list(width=600, height=400,region="150"))

Finding parameters to set under options

Setting more options

df <- data.frame(label=c("US", "GB", "BR"), val1=c(1,3,4), val2=c(23,12,32))
Line <- gvisLineChart(df, xvar="label", yvar=c("val1","val2"),
        options=list(title="Hello World", legend="bottom",
                titleTextStyle="{color:'red', fontSize:18}",                         
                vAxis="{gridlines:{color:'red', count:3}}",
                hAxis="{title:'My Label', titleTextStyle:{color:'blue'}}",
                series="[{color:'green', targetAxisIndex: 0}, 
                         {color: 'blue',targetAxisIndex:1}]",
                vAxes="[{title:'Value 1 (%)', format:'##,######%'}, 
                                  {title:'Value 2 (\U00A3)'}]",                          
                curveType="function", width=500, height=300                         

Setting more options


Combining multiple plots together

G <- gvisGeoChart(Exports, "Country", "Profit",options=list(width=200, height=100))
T1 <- gvisTable(Exports,options=list(width=200, height=270))
M <- gvisMotionChart(Fruits, "Fruit", "Year", options=list(width=400, height=370))
GT <- gvisMerge(G,T1, horizontal=FALSE)
GTM <- gvisMerge(GT, M, horizontal=TRUE,tableOptions="bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\" cellspacing=10")

Combining multiple plots together


Seeing the HTML code

M <- gvisMotionChart(Fruits, "Fruit", "Year", options=list(width=600, height=400))
## <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
##   "">
## <html xmlns="">
## <head>
## <title>MotionChartID2bc62925ee46</title>
## <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
## <style type="text/css">
## body {
##   color: #444444;
##   font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
##   font-size: 75%;
##   }
##   a {
##   color: #4D87C7;
##   text-decoration: none;
## }
## </style>
## </head>
## <body>
##  <!-- MotionChart generated in R 3.3.1 by googleVis 0.6.0 package -->
## <!-- Fri Aug 26 10:36:00 2016 -->
## <!-- jsHeader -->
## <script type="text/javascript">
## // jsData 
## function gvisDataMotionChartID2bc62925ee46 () {
## var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
## var datajson =
## [
##  [
##  "Apples",
## 2008,
## "West",
## 98,
## 78,
## 20,
## "2008-12-31" 
## ],
## [
##  "Apples",
## 2009,
## "West",
## 111,
## 79,
## 32,
## "2009-12-31" 
## ],
## [
##  "Apples",
## 2010,
## "West",
## 89,
## 76,
## 13,
## "2010-12-31" 
## ],
## [
##  "Oranges",
## 2008,
## "East",
## 96,
## 81,
## 15,
## "2008-12-31" 
## ],
## [
##  "Bananas",
## 2008,
## "East",
## 85,
## 76,
## 9,
## "2008-12-31" 
## ],
## [
##  "Oranges",
## 2009,
## "East",
## 93,
## 80,
## 13,
## "2009-12-31" 
## ],
## [
##  "Bananas",
## 2009,
## "East",
## 94,
## 78,
## 16,
## "2009-12-31" 
## ],
## [
##  "Oranges",
## 2010,
## "East",
## 98,
## 91,
## 7,
## "2010-12-31" 
## ],
## [
##  "Bananas",
## 2010,
## "East",
## 81,
## 71,
## 10,
## "2010-12-31" 
## ] 
## ];
## data.addColumn('string','Fruit');
## data.addColumn('number','Year');
## data.addColumn('string','Location');
## data.addColumn('number','Sales');
## data.addColumn('number','Expenses');
## data.addColumn('number','Profit');
## data.addColumn('string','Date');
## data.addRows(datajson);
## return(data);
## }
## // jsDrawChart
## function drawChartMotionChartID2bc62925ee46() {
## var data = gvisDataMotionChartID2bc62925ee46();
## var options = {};
## options["width"] = [600];
## options["height"] = [400];
## options["state"] = [""];
##     var chart = new google.visualization.MotionChart(
##     document.getElementById('MotionChartID2bc62925ee46')
##     );
##     chart.draw(data,options);
## }
## // jsDisplayChart
## (function() {
## var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || [];
## var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || [];
## var chartid = "motionchart";
## // Manually see if chartid is in pkgs (not all browsers support Array.indexOf)
## var i, newPackage = true;
## for (i = 0; newPackage && i < pkgs.length; i++) {
## if (pkgs[i] === chartid)
## newPackage = false;
## }
## if (newPackage)
##   pkgs.push(chartid);
## // Add the drawChart function to the global list of callbacks
## callbacks.push(drawChartMotionChartID2bc62925ee46);
## })();
## function displayChartMotionChartID2bc62925ee46() {
##   var pkgs = window.__gvisPackages = window.__gvisPackages || [];
##   var callbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks = window.__gvisCallbacks || [];
##   window.clearTimeout(window.__gvisLoad);
##   // The timeout is set to 100 because otherwise the container div we are
##   // targeting might not be part of the document yet
##   window.__gvisLoad = setTimeout(function() {
##   var pkgCount = pkgs.length;
##   google.load("visualization", "1", { packages:pkgs, callback: function() {
##   if (pkgCount != pkgs.length) {
##   // Race condition where another setTimeout call snuck in after us; if
##   // that call added a package, we must not shift its callback
##   return;
## }
## while (callbacks.length > 0)
## callbacks.shift()();
## } });
## }, 100);
## }
## // jsFooter
## </script>
## <!-- jsChart -->  
## <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
## <!-- divChart -->
## <div id="MotionChartID2bc62925ee46" 
##   style="width: 600; height: 400;">
## </div>
##  <div><span>Data: Fruits &#8226; Chart ID: <a href="Chart_MotionChartID2bc62925ee46.html">MotionChartID2bc62925ee46</a> &#8226; <a href="">googleVis-0.6.0</a></span><br /> 
## <!-- htmlFooter -->
## <span> 
##   R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) 
##   &#8226; <a href="">Google Terms of Use</a> &#8226; <a href="">Documentation and Data Policy</a>
## </span></div>
## </body>
## </html>
print(M, 'chart', file='myfilename.html')

Things you can do with Google Vis

  • The visualizations can be embedded in websites with HTML code
  • Dynamic visualizations can be built with Shiny, Rook, and R.rsp
  • Embed them in R markdown based documents
  • Set results="asis" in the chunk options
  • Can be used with knitr and slidify

For more info